Civil Engineering Services
Our civil engineering team is licensed and experienced in projects such as: site grading, roads, alternative septic design, water, and storm drain systems.
We provide civil engineering solutions in the state of California.
Our goal is balance project design with cost effectiveness and site limitations.

From the preliminary phases of design to project completion, our staff will organize and successfully manage each stage of project development. All while paying close attention to our client’s defined objectives.
Hogan Land Services guides developers, real-estate professionals, and homeowners through the often challenging and red-tape laden application and approval process with government agencies. This leads to successful land development projects.
Services most often utilized by our clients to complete the engineering phase of their project include:

- Master planning and feasibility studies
- Percolation testing and groundwater determinations
- Improvement designs
- Annexations
- Drainage studies
- Sanitary sewer, storm drains and water systems
- Street and road designs (public/private)
- Erosion control designs (SWPPP)
- Site and soil exploration for rural residential development
- Grading and drainage designs
- Evaluation, testing and design of private disposal systems for rural land developments
- Coordination, supervision, and observation
- Construction cost estimating

The Hogan Land Services team is ready to help you with your civil engineering project! Whether you are in Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Livermore, or anywhere in our great state of California, we can help!